Refinancing your home loan

This information is only for people who currently have a home loan with the Queensland Government.
If you would like to payout your Queensland Government loan (excluding rental purchase plan) please contact our Loan Payouts section on (07) 3224 7202. Please have your account number ready.

Loan settlements

At settlement, we will give you the documents to lodge with the Titles Office in exchange for a bank cheque.
You will need to acknowledge that you have received these documents and immediately lodge them with the titles office. You will also need to pay a lodgement fee.


Settlements are held at our Brisbane office on Level 8, 61 Mary Street Brisbane.

Locations outside Brisbane

Settlement is held at one of our regional offices or by an agent we choose.

Transferring your loan to another person

If you have finance through us and would like to transfer your share of your home to someone else, you must first get our consent or get a court order.
Legal documents will need to be prepared and you should seek independent legal advice to protect your interests.

Consent for additional mortgages

A second mortgage may be required if you get additional finance through a private lender. Usually the first contact with us is from that private lender.
If your loan through us is secured by a mortgage, we will require:
  • a Notice of Intention of the proposed loan and its purpose
  • a Privacy Act Authority signed by all mortgagors
  • evidence of a current home insurance policy
  • a signed copy of the proposed second mortgage.
If your application for a second mortgage is approved, we will provide you with a General Consent form to be lodged with the mortgage documents.
In some cases the department and your new lender will need to jointly attend at the Titles Office to register the second mortgage. If this is required you will be charged a small fee to cover the department's expenses.
If our loan is secured by a mortgage in the name of the Public Trustee of Queensland (now vested in the State of Queensland through the Department of Housing and Public Works—previously the Department of Communities—as statutory successor in title), then our consent is not required.

Contact us

If you have any questions about your loan, please contact our loans hotline.
  • Phone: 1300 654 322 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm or (07) 3224 7202 if calling from outside Queensland
  • Post:
    Loans and Debt Management
    Department of Housing and Public Works 
    GPO Box 690


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